Things to Consider for Opening an Escort Agency

recruitment of escorts

Being a very lucrative business, there are many people who wish to open an escort agency. However, this business demands one’s full attention and a lot of time and therefore can be done only full time. Experience is the key for running this business successfully and profitably. For this reason, many popular agencies are run by Ex-escorts who intricately understand customer’s demands and the challenges involved.

Let’s look at the factors we should consider before opening an Escort Agency.

Legal Position

The Escort Industry is totally legal in the UK and all laws of prostitution are also applicable to it as sexual indulgement is very likely in an escort’s meet with her client. There are explicit laws and regulations in place for the industry and there are numerous agencies running in accordance with them. To avoid any inadvertent violation of the law, it is advisable to leave these matters to a legal expert.

Marketing and Website

Due to stiff competition on account of innumerable escort agencies present in the industry, marketing becomes essential. The First step is creation of a website that contains all the details of your escorts including their attractive photographs. Choose a web designing company that has experience of designing websites for escort agencies. Tell them to use exotic colors for background. It’s better to display the rates clearly for all categories of escorts for your clients especially the budget conscious ones. Regular SEO of the website is required indispensably for generating traffic on the website.

Recruitment of Escorts

The backbone of your business will be the escorts you choose for your business. They will be the face of your company and their adept services will ensure that your company makes a name in the industry and earn some loyal clients. Therefore, it’s important to set some screening process to engage only those who either have great experience or those passionate about the industry. As all the escorts come in the industry because of money, their focus is not entirely on the customer’s satisfaction. In order to ensure that they upmarket your company’s name, it’s better to take regular feedback from the clients and link their remuneration with client reviews. The Escorts also need to be trained properly on things like how they should behave, to be emotionally detached with the client, always be courteous and check for their safety first etc.


Like any other business, it requires funds to begin with. Because of stiff competition, your company is likely to soak a decent amount of money before becoming profitable. For recruitment of escorts, for marketing, for designing website, for renting a place for in-call services and for other logistics requirements, funds are required. The problem is that banks are mostly unwilling to sanction loans for this business as it doesn’t fit in their criteria which may be confirmed by many examples of agencies which have used alternative sources for initial funding. This leaves you with a choice either to put your own money at stake or find an investor. Once your Escorts Manchester Agency gets going, the required regular money flow will be easily fulfilled by your profits.